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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης

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 12436-12450 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
12436 I.D. Balea, R. Hulea, G.E. Stavroulakis ,"Implementation of Eurocode load cases in optimization problems of steel frames, based on genetic algorithms,'App. Mech. and Materials.vol. 310,pp. 609-613.2013.doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.310.6092015-10-12
12437 G. E. Stavroulakis, K. Giannis, G. A. Drosopoulos and Maria E. Stavroulaki, "Non-linear computational homogenization experiments" in COMSOL Conference in Rotterdam, 2013.2015-10-12
12438 M. Marinaki, Y. Marinakis , G. E. Stavroulakis ,"Fuzzy control optimized by a multi-objective differential evolution algorithm for vibration suppression of smart structures," Comp.and Struct., vol. 147, Jan. 2015, pp.126–137doi: 10.1016/j.compstruc.2014.09.0182015-10-12
12439 N. Pasadakis: Determination of the continuity in oil reservoirs using principal component analysis of biomarker data, Petroleum Science and Technology, Volume 20, Issue 9-10, 2002, DOI: 10.1081/LFT-1200036992015-10-12
12440 M. Obermajer, K.G. Osadetz, and N. Pasadakis: “Refining compositional affinity of Williston Basin family C oils using multivariate statistical analysis of saturate biomarkers”, Summary of Investigations 2003, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Industry and Resources Misc. Rep. 2003-4.1, A-9.2015-10-12
12441 Nikos Pasadakis, Mark Obermajer, Kirk G. Osadetz: “Definition and characterization of petroleum compositional families in Williston Basin, North America, using principal component analysis”,Organic Geochemistry, Volume 35, Issue 4, Apr. 2004, Pages 453–468, DOI:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2004.01.0092015-10-12
12442 N. Pasadakis, S. Sourligas, Ch. Foteinopoulos: “Prediction of the distillation profile and cold properties of diesel fuels using mid-IR spectroscopy and neural networks”,Fuel, Volume 85, Issues 7–8, May 2006, Pages 1131–1137, DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2005.09.0162015-10-12
12443 N. Pasadakis, V. Gaganis, Ch. Foteinopoulos, “Octane number prediction for gasoline blends”, Fuel Processing Technology, vol. 87, no. 6, Jun. 2006, pp. 505-509. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2005.11.0062015-10-12
12444 Marta Ruiz, Nikos Pasadakis, Nicolas Kalogerakis: “Bioremediation and toxicity determination of natural seawater polluted with weathered crude oilby salt-tolerant consortia in a SBR”, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 52 (2006) 1490-1493. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.05.015 2015-10-12
12445 Nikos Pasadakis, Andreas A. Kardamakis: “Identifying constituents in commercial gasoline using Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy and independent component analysis”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 578, Issue 2, 25 Sep. 2006, Pages 250–255DOI:10.1016/j.aca.2006.06.0722015-10-12
12446 N. Pasadakis, N. Xekoukoulotakis: “Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Crude Oils with Thermal Extraction Sampling”, 2006, Petroleum Science and Technology, 25 (2007) 1135-1142, DOI: 10.1080/10916460500423361 2015-10-12
12447 Stavroula Tsakaneli, "Visualization and comparison of topological networks from multiple approaches for cancer prognosis", Diploma Work, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20152015-10-12
12448 G. E. Stavroulakis , H. Antes ,"Transient dynamic analysis in layered structures with unilateral interfaces,"Philos.l trans. of the Royal Soc. of London. A ,vol. 359,no.1789 ,2001.doi:10.1098/rsta.2001.09072015-10-12
12449 M.E. Stawoulaki, G.E. Stavroulakis ," Unilateral contact analysis and failure prediction in stone bridges," Adv. in archi. series ,vol.15 ,no. 8 ,pp. 307-315, 2003.2015-10-12
12450 M. Engelhardt, G.E. Stavroulakis, H. Antes ," Crack identification as an optimization task," PAMM ,vol. 3 ,no.1,pp. 511-512, 2003.doi:10.1002/pamm.2003105252015-10-12
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