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| 12076-12090 από 18746 αποτελέσματα | |
12076 | J. Kadukova, and N. Kalogerakis, "Lead accumulation from non-saline and saline environment by Tamarix smyrnensis Bunge," European Journal of Soil Biology, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 216–223, Aug. 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.ejsobi.2007.02.004 | 2015-10-18 |
12077 | C.P. Providakis, “D/BEM implementation of Robinson’s viscoplastic model in creep analysis of metals using a complex variable numerical technique," Adv. in Eng. Software J., vol.33,no.11-12,pp. 805-816, 2002. doi:10.1016/S0965-9978(02)00041-8 | 2015-10-17 |
12078 | C.P. Providakis, S.G. Kourtakis, "Viscoplastic D/BEM analysis of metallic structures with dependence on thermomechanical history," Eng. Comp., vol. 19 ,no.6, pp.640 - 661,2002.doi:10.1108/02644400210439100 | 2015-10-17 |
12079 | C. P. Providakis ,S. Kourtakis, “Viscoplastic BEM analysis of creeping metallic structural components in the presence of temperature gradient," Intern,J, of Pressure Ves, and Piping, vol. 79,no.4 ,pp. 309-317, 2002. doi:10.1016/S0308-0161(02)00015-7 | 2015-10-17 |
12080 | C.P. Providakis , "BEM-FEM comparison studies for the inelastic dynamic analysis of thick plates on elastic foundations," Comp. Modeling in Eng. and Sc.,vol. ,no.3 pp. 123-130, 2000.doi:10.3970/cmes.2000.001.425 | 2015-10-17 |
12081 | C.P. Providakis, "Transient dynamic response of elastoplastic thick plates resting on Winkler-type foundation," Nonl. Dynam., vol.23,no.3,pp. 285-302, 2000.doi:10.1023/A:1008308118214 | 2015-10-17 |
12082 | C. P. Providakis , D. E. Beskos, "Inelastic transient dynamic analysis of reissner - mindlin plates by the D/BEM," Intern. J. for Numerical Meth. and Eng.,vol. 49,no. 3 ,pp. 383-397, 2000.doi:0.1002/1097-0207(20000930)49:3<383::AID-NME969>3.0.CO;2-4 | 2015-10-17 |
12083 | C. P. Providakis, "Transient boundary element algorithm for elastoplastic building floor slab analysis," Intern. J. of Solids and Struct., vol.37,no.41,pp. 5839-5853, 2000.doi:10.1016/S0020-7683(99)00242-5 | 2015-10-17 |
12084 | C. P. Providakis, "Boundary element analysis of creeping V-notched metallic plates in bending, "Engin. Fracture Mech., vol.64,no.2, pp. 129-140, 1999.doi:10.1016/S0013-7944(99)00070-3 | 2015-10-17 |
12085 | C. P. Providakis, "Creep analysis of V-notched metallic plates: boundary element method," Theor. and Applied Fract. Mech., Vol. 32, no.1 ,pp. 1- 7, 1999.doi:10.1016/S0167-8442(99)00020-8 | 2015-10-17 |
12086 | C. P. Providakis , D. E. Beskos, "Dynamic analysis of plates by boundary elements," Applied Mech. Reviews, vol. 52 ,no.7 , pp. 213-236, 1999.doi:10.1115/1.3098936 | 2015-10-17 |
12087 | C.P. Providakis, "Comparison of boundary and finite element methods for dynamic analysis of elastoplastic plates," Adv. in Eng. Software, vol. 30,no. 5 pp. 353-360, 1999.doi:10.1016/S0965-9978(98)00087-8 | 2015-10-17 |
12088 | C.P. Providakis , G. Tougelidis, "A D/BEM approach to the transient response analysis of elastoplastic plates with internal supports," Eng.Comp., vol. 15 ,no.4 , pp. 501-518, 1998.doi:10.1108/02644409810219839 | 2015-10-17 |
12089 | C.P. Providakis , D.A. Sotiropoulos, "Α BEM approach to the stress concentration reduction in viscoplastic plates by multiple holes," Comp.and Struct., vol. 64,no.1-4 pp. 313-317, 1997.doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(96)00152-6 | 2015-10-17 |
12090 | C.P. Providakis, "Transient boundary element analysis of elastoplastic plates on elastic foundation", Soil Dyn. and Earth. Eng., vol. 16,no.1 , pp. 21-27, 1997. doi:10.1016/S0267-7261(96)00030-9 | 2015-10-17 |
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