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 9076-9090 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
9076 M. Latos, P. Karageorgos, N. Kalogerakis, M. Lazaridis ," Dispersion of odorous gaseous compounds emitted from wastewater treatment plants ,"Water Air and Soil Pol.,vol. 215,no.1,pp. 667-677,Feb. 2011.doi:10.1007/s11270-010-0508-82015-11-12
9077 G. Leftheriotis, S. Papaefthimiou, P. Yianoulis, "Optical modulation in smart electrochromic windows for energy efficient buildings", presented at 1st National Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Patras, Greece, 2001.2015-11-12
9078 P. Karageorgos, M. Latos, C. Mpasiakos, E. Chalarakis, E. Dimitrakakis, C. Daskalakis, E. Psillakis, M. Lazaridis , N. Kalogerakis ," characterization and dispersion modelling of odours from a piggery facility," J. of Envir. Quality ,vol. 39,no.6, pp. 2170-2178,2010.doi:10.2134/jeq2010.00832015-11-12
9079 L. Raisi,M. Lazaridis, E. Katsivela.(2010). Relationship between airborne microbial and particulate matter concentrations in the ambient air at a Meditearranean site. Global Nest Journal [online].pp.84-91.Available:http://journal.gnest.org/sites/default/files/Journal%20Papers/84-91_694_Katsivela_12-1.pdf2015-11-12
9080 G. Leftheriotis, S. Papaefthimiou, P. Yianoulis, "Advanced electrochromic devices based on WO3 thin films," in International Meeting on Electrochromism IME-4, 2000, pp. 2145–2150. doi:10.1016/S0013-4686(01)00393-02015-11-12
9081 P. Yianoulis, G. Leftheriotis, S. Papaefthimiou, "Electrochromic devices with improved ion storage material and multiple film transparent conductors," presented at World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) 2000, Brighton, UK, 2000.2015-11-12
9082 P. Yianoulis, G. Leftheriotis, S. Papaefthimiou, D. Patrikios "Smart devices and materials for energy saving applications," presented at Materials Workshop: Molecular materials and functional polymers for advanceddevices, COST Action 518, Patras, Greece, 2000.2015-11-12
9083 G. Leftheriotis, S. Papaefthimiou, D. Patrikios, S. Krawietz, P. Yianoulis, "Advanced materials and devices for energy conservation in buildings," presented at 4th International Congress Energy, Environment and Technological Innovation (EETI '99), Rome, Italy, 1999.2015-11-12
9084 S. Papaefthimiou, G. Leftheriotis, P. Yianoulis, "Systematic study of electrochromic devices for optical applications," presented at ISES Solar World Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, 1999.2015-11-12
9085 S. Papaefthimiou, G. Leftheriotis, P. Yianoulis, "Alternative approaches to electrochromic devices for optical applications," presented at 12th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Chalkidiki, Greece, 1999.2015-11-12
9086 P. Yianoulis, S. Papaefthimiou, G. Leftheriotis, Y. Tripanagnostopoulos, M. Souliotis. "Temperature fields for double glazing units under partial shading," presented at World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC) V, Florence, Italy, 1998.2015-11-12
9087 S. Papaefthimiou, G. Leftheriotis, P. Yianoulis. "Electrochromic phenomena in transition metal oxide thin films prepared by thermal evaporation", in 5th Euroconference on Solid State Ionics, 1998, pp.321-329. doi: 10.1007/BF023758732015-11-12
9088 S. Papaefthimiou, G. Leftheriotis P. Yianoulis, "Study of electrochromic coatings prepared by thermal evaporation," presented at International Vacuum Congress IVC-14, Birmingham, England, 1998.2015-11-12
9089 G. Leftheriotis, T. Nousia, S. Papaefthimiou, M. Souliotis, Y. Tripanagnostopoulos, P. Yianoulis, "Glazing testing with regard to external convection effects", presented at 2nd TMR Users Workshop, TMR Programme, Plataforma Solar de Almeria, Spain, 1998.2015-11-12
9090 G. Leftheriotis, S. Papaefthimiou, M. Souliotis, Y. Tripanagnostopoulos, P. Yianoulis, "Temperature fields for double glazings under partial shading", presented at 1st TMR Users Workshop, TMR Programme, Plataforma Solar de Almeria, Spain, 1997.2015-11-12
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