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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης
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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης

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Υπο-κοινότητες Συλλογές

Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 9016-9030 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
9016 Ι. Τρυπαναγνωστόπουλος, Π. Γιαννούλης, Σ. Παπαευθυμίου, Σ. Ζαφειράτος, "Θερμικοί ηλιακοί συλλέκτες με επίπεδα κάτοπτρα ρυθμιζόμενης κλίσης," στο 5ο Εθ. Συνέδριο ΙΗΤ για τις Ήπιες μορφές ενέργειας, Αθήνα, Ελλάδα, 1996.2015-11-12
9017 V.C. Kelessidis and G.E. Bandelis, "Flow Pattern Transitions and Flow Pattern Detection of Dilute Solid–Liquid Mixtures in Horizontal Concentric and Eccentric Annulus", presented at 7th World Congress in Chem. Engineering, Glasgow, 2005.2015-11-12
9018 S. Gatsios, S. Papaefthimiou, I. Dimitrakopoulos, "Kefalonia and Ithaca: A new Geopark in Greece aiming to emphasize on renewable energy use," presented at International Symposium on Geomorphology, Paris, Italy, 2009.2015-11-12
9019 G.A. Papadakis, "The Dutch Safety Report according to EEC Directive 82/501", in European Commission meeting of Competent Authority subcommittee, April 1994.2015-11-12
9020 S. Papaefthimiou, E. Syrrakou and P. Yianoulis, "Environmental rating of an electrochromic glazing," presented at IX World Renewable Energy Congress, Florence, Italy, 2006.2015-11-12
9021 G.A. Papadakis, "Review of Accidents notified in the EU Major Accident Reporting System (MARS)", in 32nd Meeting of EU Member State Competent Authorities on Implementation of Seveso Directive, April 1996.2015-11-12
9022 G. Papaefthymiou, T. Smolka, S. Papaefthimiou, P. Yianoulis, "Combined economical and environmental evaluation of distributed generation systems," presented at 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability, Egmond aan zee, The Netherlands, 2006.2015-11-12
9023 G.A. Papadakis, "Rollover in Cryogenic Storage", in European Commission Seminar, Research project ISTC 124-94: Initiation and Development of Explosions in reactors and apparatus of energy-producing, chemical and other industries, November 1997.2015-11-12
9024 G.A. Papadakis, S. Loupasis and N. Mitchison, "Sensitivity of Safety Management Systems Evaluation to relative Priorities in Safety Policy", in Proceedings of OECD Workshop on Human Performance in Chemical Process Safety: Operating Safety in the Context of Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response, 24-27 June 1997,pp. 325-337.2015-11-12
9025 S. Papaefthimiou, E. Syrrakou, P. Yianoulis, "Combining LCA and eco-efficiency for advanced window labelling," presented at 2nd International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for Sustainability, Egmond aan zee, The Netherlands, 2006.2015-11-12
9026 G.A. Papadakis, "Control of hazards in the transmission of hazardous substances in pipelines", in European Commission Seminar in the framework of collaboration of JRC with the State Scientific Centre of Russian Federation - State Research Inst. of Organic Chemistry and Technology, December 1998.2015-11-12
9027 S. Papaefthimiou, E. Syrrakou and P. Yianoulis, "The environmental parameter as an additional element for smart windows rating," presented at 6th International Conference on Coatings on Glass, Dresden, Germany, 2006.2015-11-12
9028 Γ.Α. Παπαδάκης, "Επιθεωρήσεις σύµφωνα µε την Κοινοτική Οδηγία 96/82/ΕΚ. Ανάλυση των πρόσφατων ατυχηµάτων στην ΕΕ", σε Πρακτικά 13ης Τακτικής Σύσκεψης Συνεργασίας Διυλιστηρίων Ελλάδας, 30 Νοεµβρίου 1998.2015-11-12
9029 E. Syrrakou, S. Papaefthimiou, P. Yianoulis, "Implementation of advanced glazing in buildings aiming to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions," presented at 9th Conference on Environmental Science and technology, Rhodes, Greece, 2005.2015-11-12
9030 G.A. Papadakis, "Guidance on Inspections. Proceedings of European Commission Seminar: Inspection Systems and Examination of the Safety Report", September 1998.2015-11-12
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