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 8701-8715 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
8701 M. Lazaridis, I. Colbeck, I. Drossinos, K. Eleftheriadis, V. Havranek, C. Housiadas, G. Kallos, N. Mihalopoulos, P. Mikuska, C. Mitsakou, J. Smolik, S. Solberg, A. Spyridaki, E. Stefanou, F. Stordal, T. Svendby, H. Vardouki, Z. Vecera, V. Zdimal, “Subgrid scale investigationsof factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine particles (SUB-AERO)” in8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants ,2001.2015-11-14
8702 N. Mitakidis, P. Delias and N. Spanoudakis, "Validating Requirements Using Gaia Analysis Models", in Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2015), in conjuction with AAMAS 2015, 5 May 2015.2015-11-14
8703 I. Colbeck ,C.Bryant ,I. Drossinos ,V. Havránek ,P. Mikuška ,J. Smolík ,Z. Vecera ,V. Ždímal ,K. Eleftheriadis ,C. Housiadas ,M. Lazaridis ," Preliminary results from subgrid scale investigations of factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine particles (SUB-AERO),"in Aerosol Society Annual Meeting,2001,pp.12-15.2015-11-14
8704 P. Moraitis and N. Spanoudakis, "The Gaia2JADE Process for Multi-Agent Systems Development", Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal, vol. 20, no. 2-4, February-April 2006, pp. 251-273. doi: 10.1080/088395105004842492015-11-14
8705 K. Eleftheriadis, S. Nyeki, M. Lazaridis, C. Kiemle, A. Gietz ,M. Krautstrunk. “Observations of the Boundary Layer Structure over the Adriatic Sea”,in EuropeanGeophysical Society Assembly, Millennium Conference on Earth, Planetary and Solar Systems Sciences,2000.2015-11-14
8706 P. Moraitis and N. Spanoudakis, "Argumentation-Based Agent Interaction in an Ambient-Intelligence Context", IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 84-93, November/December 2007. doi:10.1109/MIS.2007.1012015-11-14
8707 M. Lazaridis .(1999).Mathematical modelling of turbulent reacting plumes – Modelling of particulate matter processes.Presented at EMEP-WMO Workshop on fine particles – emissions, modelling and measurements.[online].Available: http://ntserver.iia.cnr.it/tools/Pub/Marina-Biblio/ALLEGRINI/pub/EMEP_WMO_1999.pdf#page=1292015-11-14
8708 N. Spanoudakis, K. Pendaraki and G. Beligiannis, "Portfolio Construction Using Argumentation and Hybrid Evolutionary Forecasting Algorithms", International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems (IJHIS), vol. 6, no. 4, Dec. 2009, pp. 231-243.2015-11-14
8709 N. Spanoudakis and P. Moraitis, "Engineering an Agent-based System for Product Pricing Automation", International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems, vol. 17, no. 2-3, June/Sept. 2009.2015-11-14
8710 D.M. Broday ,P.G. Kevrekidis, M. Lazaridis, P.G Georgopoulos, . “Lung dosimetrymodeling for assessing exposure to fine particulate matter”,in Society of ExposureAnalysis (ISEA) Annual Meeting,1999.2015-11-14
8711 M. Lazaridis ,P.G. Georgopoulos ,T. Larson , “Particulate matter dispersion modeling at the local scale : comparison of the fugitive dust model with a lagrangian fluid particle model'',in CRESP Annual Meeting,1998. 2015-11-14
8712 K. Pendaraki and N.I. Spanoudakis, "An Interactive Tool for Mutual Funds Portfolio Composition Using Argumentation", Journal of Business, Economics and Finance (JBEF), vol. 1, no. 3, Sep. 2012, pp. 33-51.2015-11-14
8713 M. Lazaridis ,P.G. Georgopoulos , “Respiratory tract dosimetry modeling for inhaledparticulate matter: comparison of the EDMAS-AID and ICRP66 models,'' in CRESPAnnual Meeting,1998.2015-11-14
8714 K. Pendaraki and N. Spanoudakis, "Portfolio Performance and Risk-based Assessment of the PORTRAIT Tool", International Journal Operational Research, (ORIJ), vol. 15, no. 3, Oct. 2015, pp. 359-378. doi: 10.1007/s12351-014-0162-92015-11-14
8715 P. Kevrekidis,M. Lazaridis ,P.G. Georgopoulos , “Bending waves and particleresuspenion,''in CRESP Annual Meeting,1998. 2015-11-14
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