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 7906-7920 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
7906 W. Jing, M. Paterakis, "Message delay analysis of the DQDB (IEEE 802.6) network," in 1992 Eleventh Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IEEE(INFOCOM), pp.527 - 535 , doi: 10.1109/INFCOM.1992.2635452015-11-19
7907 G.J. Miller, M. Paterakis, "A bandwidth-allocation-based priority mechanism for high-speed unidirectional-bus networks," in 1992 Global Telecommunications Conference, Conference Record. Communication for Global Users., IEEE(GLOBECOM), pp. 581 - 586, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.1992.2764482015-11-19
7908 A.C. Cleary, M. Paterakis, "Design and performance evaluation of a scheme for voice-data channel access in third generation microcellular wireless networks," in 1996 Universal Personal Communications, Record., 5th IEEE International Conference on , pp. 1 - 6, doi: 10.1109/ICUPC.1996.5576912015-11-19
7909 Y.Gong, M.Paterakis,"A random multiple-access algorithm for the dependent feedback error channel," in 1991 Proceedings. Tenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Networking in the 90s., IEEE(INFOCOM), pp. 620 - 627, doi: 10.1109/INFCOM.1991.1475632015-11-19
7910 W. Jing, M. Paterakis, "Applying the single-node DQDB analytical model to network-wide performance analysis," in 1992 Global Telecommunications Conference, Conference Record. Communication for Global Users., IEEE(GLOBECOM), pp. 1618 - 1622, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.1992.2766602015-11-19
7911 C. Vassilakis, M. Paterakis, P. Triantafillou, "Modeling, design and performance evaluation of interactive distributed video-on-demand systems," in 1997 High-Performance Communication Systems, The Fourth IEEE Workshop on(HPCS), pp.45 - 54, doi: 10.1109/HPCS.1997.8640252015-11-19
7912 W. Jing, M. Paterakis, "How the Bernoulli slot occupancy approximation in the node DQDB analytical model influences the throughput-delay performance," in 1993 Local Computer Networks, Proceedings., 18th Conference on, pp. 120 - 129, doi: 10.1109/LCN.1993.5911982015-11-19
7913 T. Chiras, P. Koutsakis, M. Paterakis, "GEN01-2: A New MAC Protocol for Broadband Powerline Communications Networks," in 2006 Global Telecommunications Conference, IEEE(GLOBECOM), pp. 1 - 6, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2006.1442015-11-19
7914 I. Papadimitriou, M.Paterakis, "Energy-conserving access protocols for transmitting data in unicast and broadcast mode," in 2000 Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, The 11th IEEE International Symposium on(PIMRC)pp. 984 - 988, doi: 10.1109/PIMRC.2000.8815692015-11-19
7915 A.C. Cleary, M. Paterakis, "An investigation of reservation random access algorithms for voice-data integration in microcellular wireless environments," in 1994 Global Telecommunications Conference, Communications: The Global Bridge., IEEE (GLOBECOM ), pp. 1333 - 1339, doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.1994.5129972015-11-19
7916 M. Theodorou, M. Paterakis, "Efficient cache management policies for streaming proxies supporting complete and partial video playback," in 2014 Next Generation Networks and Services , Fifth International Conference on(NGNS), pp. 270 - 277, doi: 10.1109/NGNS.2014.69902632015-11-19
7917 Y. Gong, M. Paterakis,"Design and performance analysis of a dynamic protocol achieving user fairness in high-speed dual-bus networks," in 1992 Eleventh Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, IEEE(INFOCOM ), pp. 1079 - 1088, doi: 10.1109/INFCOM.1992.2634652015-11-19
7918 P. Koutsakis, M. Paterakis, "Near-optimal voice-data integration over third generation medium and high capacity wireless TDMA channels," in 1999 Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, IEEE(WCNC), pp. 1382 - 1386, doi:10.1109/WCNC.1999.796964 2015-11-19
7919 P. Koutsakis, M.Paterakis, "On multiple traffic type integration over wireless TDMA channels," in 2000 Computers and Communications, Proceedings. Fifth IEEE Symposium on(ISCC), pp. 621 - 627, doi: 10.1109/ISCC.2000.8607062015-11-19
7920 S. Micheloyannis, E. Pachou, C. Jan Stam, M. Breakspear, P. Bitsios, M. Vourkas, S. Erimaki and M. Zervakis, "Small-world networks and disturbed functional connectivity in schizophrenia," Schizophrenia Res., vol. 87, no. 1-3, pp. 60-66, Oct. 2006. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2006.06.0282015-11-19
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