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Technical University of Crete
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Technical University of Crete

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 12961-12975 out of 18746 results
12961 J. Gemmell ,S. Christodoulakis ,"Principles of delay-sensitive multimedia data storage retrieval ",ACM Trans. on Info. Syst. ,vol. 10,no.1 ,pp. 51-90,1992.doi:10.1145/128756.1287582015-10-02
12962 Y. Ioannidis , S. Christodoulakis , " Optimal histograms for limiting worst-case error propagation in the size of join results",ACM Trans. on Datab. Syst. , vol. 18 ,no. 4 ,pp. 709-748,1993 .doi : 10.1145/169725.1697082015-10-02
12963 N/A for this language2015-10-02
12964 P.Triantafillou , S. Christodoulakis , "Research and development issues for large-scale multimedia information systems ",CM Comp. Surv.,vol. 27 ,no.4 ,pp.576-579,1995.doi: 10.1145/234782.2347932015-10-02
12965 C. A. Georgiadis ,P. Triantafillou , C. A. Georgiadis,"Optimal data placement on disks: A comprehensive solution for different disk technologies ", vo.12,no.2 ,pp.324 - 330 ,2000.doi: 10.1109/69.8422702015-10-02
12966 C. Tsinaraki, P.Polydoros, F. Kazasis, S. Christodoulakis, "Ontology-based semantic indexing for MPEG-7 and TV-anytime audiovisual content ,"Mult.Tools and Appl. ,vol .26,no.3,pp. 299-325, 2005.doi:10.1007/s11042-005-0894-x2015-10-02
12967 A. Karanastasi, F.G. Kazasis, S. Christodoulakis ,"A natural language model for managing TV-Anytime information in mobile environments ",Pers. and Ubiqu. Comp.,vol.9 , no.4 , pp.262-272 ,2005.doi :10.1007/s00779-004-0330-7 2015-10-02
12968 P. Polydoros, C. Tsinaraki, S. Christodoulakis .(2006).GraphOnto: 0wl-Based ontology management and multimedia annotation in the ds-mirfframework.Journal of Digital Information Management.[online].Available :
12969 A.Karanastasi, A. Zotos, S. Christodoulakis .(2006).User interactions with multimedia repositories using natural language interfaces - OntoNL: an architectural framework and its implementation.Journal of Digital Information Management.[online].Available:
12970 C.Tsinaraki, A. Perego, P. Polydoros, A. Syntzanaki,A. Martin, S. Christodoulakis.(2006).Semantic, constraint and preference based authoring of multi-topic multimedia presentations.Journal of Digital Information Management.[online].Available :
12971 C. Tsinaraki , P.Polydoros , S. Christodoulakis ,"Interoperability support between MPEG-7/21 and OWL in DS-MIRF ",iEEE Tran. on Knowl.e and Data Engin. ,vol.19,no.2 ,pp.219 - 232 ,2007.doi : 10.1109/TKDE.2007.332015-10-02
12972 C. Tsinaraki , S. Christodoulakis ,"An MPEG-7 query language and a user preference model that allow semantic retrieval and filtering of multimedia content ",Mul. Sys., vol. 13,no.2,pp.131-153,2007.doi:10.1007/s00530-007-0091-z2015-10-02
12973 S. Christodoulakis, M. Foukarakis and L. Ragia, "Personalised spatial knowledge management for pictures using ontologies and semantic maps," Int J. Dig. Cult. Electr. Tour., vol. 1, no. 4, 2009. doi :10.1504/IJDCET.2009.025362015-10-02
12974 S. Christodoulakis, M. Garofalakis, E.G.M. Petrakis, A. Deligiannakis, V. Samoladas, E. Ioannou, O. Papapetrou and S. Sotiriadis, "Data management research at the Technical University of Crete," in SIGMOD Record, pp. 61-66,2013. doi: 10.1145/2590989.2590999 2015-10-02
12975 G. Skevakis, .C Tsinaraki, I. Trochatou, S. Christodoulakis , "A crowdsourcing framework for the management of mobile multimedia nature observations ",Int. J.of Per. Compu. and Com.,vol. 10,no. 3,pp.216-238,2014 .doi:10.1108/IJPCC-06-2014-00382015-10-02
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