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Technical University of Crete

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 12676-12690 out of 18746 results
12676 P. N. Psarropoulos, G. Papazafeiropoulos , Y. Tsompanakis , "Reliability based optimization of structures under seismic excitation ," in ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.2009.2015-10-09
12677 Y. Tsompanakis , P. N. Psarropoulos ,"Effects of soil non-linearity on the seismik distressof retaininig walls ," in 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2008.2015-10-09
12678 V. Hatzistavros, P. Koulouridakis and N. Kallithrakas-Kontos, "Complexing membrane for uranium detection by total reflection X-ray fluorescence," Anal. Sci., vol. 21, no. 7, pp. 823-826, Jul. 2005. doi: 10.2116/analsci.21.8232015-10-09
12679 P. Psarropoulos ,V. Drosos ,Y. Tsompanakis "Soil-foundation interaction of wind turbine towers on monopiles," in 2010 Seventh Intern. Conf. on Computational Techn.doi:10.4203/ccp.94.147 2015-10-09
12680 Y. Tsompanakis , P. Psarropoulos ,V. Drosos ," Low-cost seismic base isolation using recycled tire cushions ," in 2011 Thirteenth Inter. Conf.on Civil, Structural and Envir. Engin. Comp. doi :10.4203/ccp.96.702015-10-09
12681 G. Papazafeiropoulos ,Y.Tsompanakis ,P. Psarropoulos ,"Hydrodynamic distress of liquid containment systems ," in 2009 Twelfth Intern. Conf. on Civil, Struct. and Envir. Engin. Computing .doi :10.4203/ccp.91.2252015-10-09
12682 I. Tsangaraki-Kaplanoglou, S. Theohari, Th. Dimogerontakis, N. Kallithrakas-Kontos, Yar-Ming Wang, Hong-Hsiang (Harry) Kuo and Sheila Kia, "Effect of alloy types on the electrolytic coloring process of aluminum," Surf. Coat. Technol., vol. 200, no. 12-13, pp. 3969–3979, Mar. 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2005.02.1742015-10-09
12683 Y. Tsompanakis ,I. Tzavara ,V. Zania , P.Psarropoulos ," Geosynthetic reinforcement for seismic mitigation of geostructures ,"in 2009 Twelfth Intern.Conf. on Civil, Struc.l and Envi. Engin. Computing .doi:10.4203/ccp.91.2332015-10-09
12684 Y. Tsompanakis ,P. Psarropoulos ,Y. Karabatsos ,"Local site conditions and seismic design of municipal solid waste landfills,"in 2015 Tenth Intern .Conf. on Civil, Struct. and Envir. Engineering Comp.doi:10.4203/ccp.81.2732015-10-09
12685 V. Zania ,Y. Tsompanakis ,P. Psarropoulos , "Seismic stability assessment of landfills,"in 2007 Eleventh Intern. Conf. on Civil, Struct. and Envir.Engin. Computing .doi :10.4203/ccp.86.222015-10-08
12686 E.C. Georgopoulos ,Y. Tsompanakis ,N. Lagaros , P.Psarropoulos ,"Seismic vulnerability evaluation of geostructures using efficient neural network models," in 2007 Ninth Intern. Conf. on the Appl. of Artificial Intell. to Civil, Struc. and Envir. Engineering .doi :10.4203/ccp.87.232015-10-08
12687 G. Papazafeiropoulos , Y. Tsompanakis ,P. Psarropoulos ,"Open issues in retaining wall-soil-structure dynamic interaction ," in 2014 Ninth Intern. Conf. on Comput. Structures Techn.doi :10.4203/ccp.88.1252015-10-08
12688 A. Andreadakis ,Y. Tsompanakis ,"The combined effects of infill walls and steel bracings in the seismic response of existing reinforced concrete buildings ," in the Twelfth Inter.l Conf. on Comput. Structures Techn.doi :10.4203/ccp.106.402015-10-08
12689 M. Papadrakakis ,Y. Tsompanakis ,E. Hinton, J. Sienz , " Advanced solution methods in topology optimization and shape sensitivity analysis,"Eng. Comp. vol. 13 ,no.5 ,pp. 57-90,1996. doi: 10.1108/026444096101206962015-10-08
12690 M. Papadrakakis ,N. Lagaros , Y. Tsompanakis ," Structural optimization using evolution strategies and neural networks," Computer Meth. in App. Mechanics and Engin. ,vol. 156 ,no. 1-4 ,pp. 309-333,1998. doi: 10.1016/S0045-7825(97)00215-62015-10-08
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