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Technical University of Crete

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 12646-12660 out of 18746 results
12646 J. C. Refsgaard, B. Nilsson,J. Brown, B.Klauer ,R. Moore ,T. Bech ,M. Vurro , M. Blind, G. Castilla,I. K. Tsanis , P. Biza, “Harmonised techniques and representative river basin data for assessment and use of uncertainty information in integrated water management ," Envir. Science and Pol., vol. 8, no.3 , pp. 267-277, 2005.doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2005.02.0012015-10-09
12647 S. Naoum, I.K Tsanis, M. Fullarton, “A GIS pre-processor for pollutant transport modelling," Envir. Model. and Software,vol. 20,no.1, pp.55-68, 2005.doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2003.12.0092015-10-09
12648 U. M. Saied, I. K. Tsanis, “Improved parabolic water wave transformation model, "Coas. Engin., vol.52 ,no.2,pp. 139-149, February 2005.doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2004.10.0012015-10-09
12649 I. Daliakopoulos,P. Coulibaly , I.K Tsanis, “Groundwater level forecasting using artificial neural networks”, J. of Hydrol., vol. 309, no. 1-4,pp.229-240, 2005.doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2004.12.0012015-10-09
12650 I.K. Tsanis, D. C. Hurdowar ,“A wind driven three-dimensional pollutant transport model”, Envir.l Mod. and Software, vol. 20 ,no. 11, pp.1323-1333, 2005.doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.10.0032015-10-09
12651 I. K. Tsanis, “Modeling leachate contamination and remediation of groundwater at a landfill site," Water Res.Manag., vol. 20 ,no.1,pp.109-132, 2006.2015-10-09
12652 Eleftherios Nikolaou, "Algorithm development for hybrid autonomous electrical power systems sizing", Diploma Work, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20152015-10-09
12653 T. Manios, I. K. Tsanis, “Evaluating water resources availability and wastewater reuse importance in the water resources management of small mediterranean municipal districts," Resources Cons. and Rec.,vol. 47, no.3,pp. 245-259, 2006.doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2005.11.0012015-10-09
12654 I. K. Tsanis, U. Saied .(2007) .A wind-driven hydrodynamic and pollutant transport model. International Journal of Global NEST [online] .pp.117-131.Available :
12655 I. K. Tsanis,U. M. Saied , “A Coastal area morphodynamics model”, J. of Envir. Modelling and Software, vol.23,no.1, pp. 35-49, Jan. 2008.doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.04.0032015-10-09
12656 Χρυσαυγή Παναγιωτοπούλου, "Νέα έξοδος. Ο κατακερματισμός του αστικού ιστού και ο αυτοαποκλεισμός πίσω από τείχη.", Ερευνητική Εργασία, Σχολή Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 20152015-10-09
12657 I. K. Tsanis , M. G. Apostolaki, “Estimating groundwater withdrawal in poorly gauged agricultural basins," Water Res. Mana., vol. 23 ,no. 6 ,pp. 1097-1123, 2009.doi:10.1007/s11269-008-9317-x2015-10-09
12658 I. N. Daliakopoulos, E.G. Grillakis, A.G. Koutroulis, I.K. Tsanis, “Tree crown detection on multispectral VHR satellite imagery,”. vol. 75(3), J.of the Amer. Society for Photog. and Rem. Sensing, vol. 75 ,no. 10, pp. 1201-1211, 2009.doi:10.14358/PERS.75.10.12012015-10-09
12659 M. Kritsotakis and I.K. Tsanis .(2009) .An integrated approach for sustainable water resources management of Messara basin, Crete, Greece.European Water Resources Association [online].pp.15-30.Available:
12660 M. G. Grillakis, I. K. Tsanis and A. G. Koutroulis ,"Application of the HBV hydrological model in a flash flood case in Slovenia," Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., vol. 10, no.12, pp. 2713-2725, 2010. doi: 10.5194/nhess-10-2713-20102015-10-09
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