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Technical University of Crete

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 12496-12510 out of 18746 results
12496 M Bettia, G. A. Drosopoulosb, G. E. Stavroulakis, "Two non-linear finite element models developed for the assessment of failure of masonry arches ," Comptes Ren. Méc.,vol. 336, no.1–2, pp. 42–53,2008. doi: 10.1016/j.crme.2007.10.0142015-10-11
12497 P. Kiomourtzi, N. Pasadakis, A. Zelilidis. “Source Rock and Depositional Environment Study of Three Hydrocarbon Fields in Prinos –Kavala Basin (North Aegean)”, Open Petroleum Engineering Journal, Volume 8, 2015, DOI:10.2174/18748341008010100162015-10-11
12498 G.E Stavroulakis, P.D Panagiotopoulos, "A new class of multilevel decomposition algorithms for non monotone problems based on the quasidifferentiability concept," Comp.Methods in Applied Mech. and Engin.vol. 117, no. 3–4,, pp. 289–307. Aug.1994.doi: 10.1016/0045-7825(94)90119-82015-10-11
12499 G. E. Stavroulakis, L. N. Polyakova ,"Nonsmooth and nonconvex structural analysis algorithms based on difference convex optimization techniques," Struct. optim.,vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 167-176,Oct. 1996 .doi: 2015-10-11
12500 C. Papanicolaou, N. Pasadakis, D. Dimou, S. Kalaitzidis, S. Papazisimou, A.E. Foscolos. “Adsorption of NO, SO2and light hydrocarbons on activated Greek brown coals”, International Journal of Coal Geology Volume 77, Issues 3–4, 31 Jan., 2009, Pages 401–408, DOI:10.1016/j.coal.2008.07.0192015-10-11
12501 G. E. Stavroulakis, M. A. Tzaferopoulos," A variational inequality approach to optimal plastic design of structures via the Prager-Rozvany theory ," Struc.optimi.vol. 7, no.3, pp. 160-169,April 1994.doi:10.1007/BF017424612015-10-11
12502 G. E. Stavroulakis ," Optimal prestress of structures with frictional unilateral contact interfaces ", Arch. of Ap. Mechanics ,vol. 66, no. 1-2, pp. 71-81,Dec. 1995.doi:10.1007/BF007866902015-10-11
12503 Andreas A. Kardamakis, Nikos Pasadakis. “Autoregressive modeling of near-IR spectra and MLR to predict RON values of gasolines”, FuelVolume 89, Issue 1, Jan. 2010, Pages 158–161, DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2009.08.0292015-10-11
12504 N. Pasadakis, G. Romanos, V. Perdikatsis, A.E. FoscolosProduction of activated carbons using Greek lignites by physical and chemical activation methods. A comparative study.Accepted for publication in "Energy Sources, Part A", 2010. Volume 33, Issue 8, 2011 ,pages 713-723, DOI: 10.1080/155670309032618082015-10-11
12505 A. Michalopoulos , G.E. Stavroulakis ,E.C. Zacharenakis , P.D. Panagiotopoulos ,"A prestressed tendon based passive control system for bridges ,"Com. and Struc.,vol.63, no.6, pp.1165–1175,Ju. 1997. doi:10.1016/S0045-7949(96)00385-92015-10-11
12506 G.E. Stavroulakis, A.V. Avdelas, K.M. Abdalla, P.D. Panagiotopoulos, "A neural network approach to the modelling, calculation and identification of semi-rigid connections in steel structures," J.of Const. Steel Res.,vol.44, no.1–2, pp. Pages 91–105, Oct.r–Nov. 1997. doi:10.1016/S0143-974X(97)00039-42015-10-11
12507 G.E. Stavroulakis, " Computational nonsmooth mechanics: variational and hemivariational inequalities," Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Meth and Appli.vol.47, no. 8, pp. 5113–5124 , Aug.t 2001.doi:
12508 E.P. Hadjigeorgiou, G.E. Stavroulakis.(2004). The use of auxetic materials in smart structures.Computational. Methods in Science and Technology [online].pp.147-160/Available:
12509 G. Stavroulakis, K. Abdalla, ”Contact between Adjacent Structures,” J. Struct. Eng.,vol. 117, no.10 ,pp. 2838–2850,1991.doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(1991)117:10(2838)2015-10-11
12510 A. Rohde, G. E. Stavroulakis ,"Path-following energy optimization in unilateral contact problems,"J. of Global Optim. , vol. 6, Ino.4, pp. 347-365,Ju. 1995.doi:10.1007/BF011000832015-10-11
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