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Technical University of Crete

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 12091-12105 out of 18746 results
12091 C.P. Providakis, "A general and advanced boundary element transient analysis of elastoplastic plates", Eng. Analysis with Boun. Elem., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 133-143, 1996.doi:10.1016/0955-7997(96)00009-42015-10-17
12092 C.P. Providakis, D.E. Beskos , D.A. Sotiropoulos, "Dynamic analysis of inelastic plates by the D/BEM", Comp. Mech., nol. 13,no.4, pp. 276- 284, 1994.doi:10.1007/BF003502292015-10-17
12093 C.P. Providakis, "Quasi-static analysis of viscoplastic plates by the boundary element method," Eng. Analysis with Boun. El., vol. 11,no.4 pp. 265-268, 1993.doi:10.1016/0955-7997(93)90039-N2015-10-17
12094 C.P. Providakis, D.A. Sotiropoulos , D.E. Beskos, "BΕΜ analysis of reduced dynamic stress concentration by multiple holes", Com. in Numerical Meth. in Eng., vol. 9, no.11 ,pp. 917-924, 1993.doi:10.1002/cnm.16400911082015-10-17
12095 C.P. Providakis, D.E. Beskos, "Free and forced vibrations of shallow shells by boundary and interior elements," Comp. Methods in Applied Mech. and Eng., vol. 92.,no.1 pp. 55-74, 1991.doi:10.1016/0045-7825(91)90197-E2015-10-17
12096 D.E. Beskos, E. Vgenopoulou , C.P. Providakis, "Dynamics of saturated rocks II : body waves," J. of Engineering Mech., vol. 115,no. 5 pp. 996- 1016, 1989.doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1989)115:5(996)2015-10-17
12097 C.P. Providakis ,D.E. Beskos, "Free and forced vibrations of plates by boundary and interior elements," Intern. J. for Numerical Meth. in Eng., vol. 28,no.9 pp. 1977-1994, 1989.doi: 10.1002/nme.16202809022015-10-17
12098 C.P.Providakis , D.E. Beskos, "Free and forced vibrations of plates by boundary elements", Comp. Methods in Ap. Mechanics and Eng., vol. 74,no.3 pp.231-250, 1989.doi:10.1016/0045-7825(89)90050-92015-10-17
12099 C.P.Providakis , D.E. Beskos, "Dynamic analysis of beams by the boundary element method," Comp. and Struct., vol. 22, no6 , pp. 957-964, 1986. doi:10.1016/0045-7949(86)90155-02015-10-17
12100 C.Valmaseda, M. Angel, J.L. Hernandez ,K. Katsigarakis, D.V. Rovas .(2013).An event-driven soa-based platform for energy efficiency applications in buildings.Presented at 30th CIB W78 International Conference.[online].Available:
12101 G. N. Lilis, G. I. Giannakis, G. D. Kontes and D. V. Rovas, "Semi-automatic thermal simulation model generation from IFC data," in European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, 2014. doi: 10.1201/b17396-832015-10-17
12102 G. N. Lilis, K. F. Sklivaniotis, G. I. Giannakis and D. V. Rovas, "SRC: a systemic approach to building thermal simulation," presented at 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2014.2015-10-17
12103 K. Macek ,D. Rovas ,M. Schmidt ,C. Valmaseda.(2014). Holistic optimization of hvac systems via distributed data driver control .Presented at Conference: Intelligent Systems and Agents .[online].Available:
12104 G. D. Kontes, G.I. Giannakis and D.V. Rovas,"Demand shifting using model-assisted control," Intern. J. Energy Clean Env., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 69-89, Jan. 2013. doi: 10.1615/InterJEnerCleanEnv.2014007281 2015-10-17
12105 D. V. Rovas, K. Katsigarakis, G. D. Kontes, G. I. Giannakis, G. N. Lilis.(2013).A sense think act methology for intelligent building energy management.Presented at 30th CIB W78 International Conference.[online].Available:
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