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Technical University of Crete

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 12046-12060 out of 18746 results
12046 C. Providakis and M.E. Voutetaki .(2006).Damage detection using electromechanical impedance signatures and statistical outliers.Presented at Proceedings of 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics .[online].Available:
12047 Κ. Ν. Μπροκαλάκης, Κ. Π. Προβιδάκης και Σ. Θ. Μουγιάκος, "Εργαστηριακοί και άλλοι έλεγχοι για την εφαρμογή κανονισμών και προτύπων για την παραλαβή χαλύβων οπλισμού σκυροδέματος σε τεχνικά έργα," παρουσιάστηκε στο 15ο Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Ελλάδα, 2006.2015-10-18
12048 C.P . Providakis, M.E. V outetaki, M.E.Stavroulaki .D.-P .N.Kontoni, ”FEM modeling of electromechanical impedance for the analysis of smart damping treatments," in 2005 Inter. Conf. on Computer, Inf. and Systems Sciences, pp.129-134.doi:10.1007/1-4020-5261-8_222015-10-18
12049 C.P. Providakis, “On the use of singular boundary elements in fracture analysis of creeping cracked metallic components”, in 2002 6th Intern.l Conf. on Comput. Structures Technology,doi:10.4203/ccp.76.172015-10-18
12050 C. P. Providakis and D. A. Sotiropoulos," Application of the boundary element method to the analysis of V-notched viscoplastic plates," in Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Boundary Elements, 1997, pp. 159- 168.2015-10-18
12051 Providakis CP, Liarakos EV," Web based concrete strengthening monitoring using an innovative EMI telemetric system and extreme values statistics," J. of Struct.Control Health Mon.,vol.21,no.9,2014.doi:10.1002/stc.16452015-10-18
12052 C. Providakis, A. Triantafillou, K. Papanikolaou, D. Karabalis, K. Stefanaki, G. Tsantilis, E. Tzoura, 2013, “Simulation of PZT monitoring of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with FRP," Smart Struct. and Systems ,vol.14,no.5, pp.811-830,2014.doi:10.12989/sss.2014.14.5.8112015-10-18
12053 Ch. Karayannis, C. Providakis, C. Chalioris, M. Voutetaki, G. Angeli, “Detection of flexural damage for RC beams using Piezoelectric sensors," Smart Struc. and Syst.,vol.15,no.4,pp. 997-1018 ,2013.doi:10.12989/sss.2015.15.4.9972015-10-18
12054 C.P .Providakis ,E.V. Liarakos ,E. Kampianakis ,"Non-destructive wireless monitoring of early-age concrete strength gain using an innovative electromechanical impedance sensing system," Smart Mat.Research ,vol.2013 ,2013.doi:10.1155/2013/9325682015-10-18
12055 C.P. Providakis , E.V. Liarakos ," T-WiEYE: An early-age concrete strength development monitoring and miniaturized wireless impedance sensing system," Eng. Procedia ,vol. 10 ,pp.484-89,2011.doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.04.0822015-10-18
12056 C. P. Providakis, “Effect of supplemental damping on LRB and FPS seismic isolators under near-fault ground motions”, Soil Dyn. and Earth. Engineering,vol. 29 ,no.1, pp.80-89, 2009.doi:10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.01.0122015-10-18
12057 C.P . Providakis,M.E. Voutetaki, “Electromechanical admittance-based damage identification using box-Behnken design of experiments," Structural Dur. and Health Mon., vol.3,no.4 ,pp. 211-227, 2008.doi:10.3970/sdhm.2007.003.2112015-10-18
12058 C. P. Providakis, D.P. Kontoni , M.E. Voutetaki, “Comparisons of smart damping treatments based on FEM modeling of electromechanical impedance, " Smart Struc. and Systems, vol. 4,no.1 ,pp. 35-46, 2008.doi:10.12989/sss.2008.4.1.0352015-10-18
12059 C.P Providakis, P. .N Kontoni ,M.E. Voutetaki, “Development of an electromechanical admittance approach for application in the vibration control of intelligent structures," Smart Mat. and Struct., vol.16, no.2 ,pp.275-281, 2007.doi:10.1088/0964-1726/16/2/0052015-10-18
12060 C. P. Providakis, “Repair of cracked structures under dynamic load using electromechanical admittance approach," Key Engin. Materials, vol.348-349,pp. 49-52, 2007.doi: 10.4028/
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