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Technical University of Crete

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 9886-9900 out of 18746 results
9886 S. Ioannidis, "An inventory and order admission control policy for production systems with two customer classes," International Journal of Production Economics, vol. 131, no. 2, pp. 663–673, Jun. 2011. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.02.0112015-11-07
9887 V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis," Discrete event modeling and optimization of unreliable production lines with random rates ," IEEE Trans.s on Rob.and Automation,vol. 10 ,no.2,pp. 153-159, 1994.doi:10.1109/70.2825402015-11-07
9888 S. Ioannidis, "Joint production and quality control in production systems with two customer classes and lost sales," IIE Transactions, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 605-616, 2013. doi: 10.1080/0740817X.2012.7219482015-11-07
9889 G. P. Giannopoulos, E.A. Varouchakis and G.P. Karatzas, "Assessment of Potential Climatic and Pumping Changes on Groundwater Resources of a Mediterranean Basin", in Proceedings of the Protection and Restoration of the Environment XI Conference, 2012.2015-11-06
9890 E. A. Varouchakis and D. T. Hristopulos, "Comparison of stochastic and deterministic methods for mapping groundwater level spatial variability in sparsely monitored basins", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 185, no 1, Feb. 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10661-012-2527-y2015-11-06
9891 Θ. Μαρκόπουλος, Π. Μαραβελάκη, "Ενετικές oxυρώσεις Χανίων, μελέτη τηςκατάστασης διάβρωσης και προτάσεις συντήρησης," ΔΙιάσταση, τεύxος 4, σελ. 22-26, 1993. 2015-11-06
9892 S. Malakis & T. Kontogiannis, "Refresher training for air traffic controllers: Is it adequate to meet the challenges of emergencies and abnormal situations?," The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 59-77, 2012. doi: 10.1080/10508414.2012.6351272015-11-06
9893 T. Kontogiannis , S. Malakis, "Remaining safe by working at the edge of compliance and adaptation: reflective practices in aviation and air traffic control," Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 565-591, 2013. doi: 10.1080/1463922X.2012.6725972015-11-06
9894 M. D. Dettoraki, Z. Dokou, E. A. Varouchakis and G.P. Karatzas, "Optimal pumping scenarios for the estimation of the saltwater intrusion front in the coastal aquifer of Tympaki, Crete - Greece", in EGU General Assembly, 2012. 2015-11-06
9895 Π. Μαραβελάκη, Ζ. Αγιουτάντης, Ε. Λιονάκης, Χ. Καπριδάκη και Α. Βεργανελάκη, "Υδραυλικά κονιάµατα µε νανο-τιτανία για τη συγκόλληση πώρινων αρχιτεκτονικώνµελών των Μνηµείων Ακρόπολης," ∆ιεθνής Συνάντηση για την Αποκατάσταση των Μνηµείων Ακροπόλεως, 20132015-11-06
9896 N. Linou , T. Kontogiannis, "A training approach to the acquisition and retention of fault-finding Skills: Making instructions "Visible" on the interface," International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 59-84, 2005. doi: 10.1207/s15327590ijhc1801_42015-11-06
9897 Ε. Λιονάκης, Α. Βεργανελάκη, Χ. Καπριδάκη και Ν. Μαραβελάκη, “Σύνθεση καιχαρακτηρισµός υδραυλικών κονιαµάτων µε νάνο-TiO2 για αποκατάσταση," στο 12ο Πανελλήνιο Συµπόσιο Κατάλυσης, 2012.2015-11-06
9898 T. Kontogiannis , A. Shepherd, "Training conditions and strategic aspects of skill transfer in a simulated process control task2015-11-06
9899 Χ. Καπριδάκη, και Ν. Μαραβελάκη, "Νάνο-σύνθετα -TiO2-SiO2-PDMS-, υδρόφοβα και αυτοκαθαριζόµενα υµένια µαρµάρων," στο 12ο Πανελλήνιο Συµπόσιο Κατάλυσης, 2012.2015-11-06
9900 E. A. Varouchakis and D. T. Hristopulos, "Improvement of groundwater level prediction in sparsely gauged basins using physical laws and local geographic features as auxiliary variables", Advances in Water Resources, vol. 52, pp. 34-49, Feb. 2013. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.08.0022015-11-06
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