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Technical University of Crete
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Technical University of Crete

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 9421-9435 out of 18746 results
9421 I.K. Tsanis, A. Koutroulis, I. Daliakopoulos and S. Michaelides, “Storm analysis and precipitation distribution of the flash flood in Almyrida basin, Crete", in EGU2008 Session IS31-Flash floods: observations and analysis of atmospheric and hydrological controls, 13-18 April 2008.2015-11-09
9422 A. Papadopoulos , N. Stefanakis , A. Boudouvis ,T. Tsoutsos , M. Frangou , K. Kalaitzakis , G. Maniatis , S. Danchev , A.Tsakanikas, A.Georgakis ,"PROTEAS Solar Polygeneration System", in Proc. EU PVSec, 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conf. and Exhibition, pp. 2094 - 2097. doi: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20142014-4CV.3.222015-11-09
9423 P.C. Panagiotopoulou , D.I. Kondarides, "Noble Metal-Based Water Gas ShiftCatalysts for Fuel Cell Applications," presented at EUROPACAT-VI, Insbruck, Austria, 2003.2015-11-09
9424 A.G. Koutroulis and I.K. Tsanis, "Translating the global water cycle and climate change signals to basin-scale water resources applications. Case study: the island of Crete", in Coping with Climate change in integrated Watershed Management, 30 July 2008.2015-11-09
9425 V. Bain, E. Gaume, P. Bernardara, O. Newinger, M. Barbuc, L. Blaškovičová, G. Blöschl, M. Borga, J. Garcia, A. Irimescu, S. Kohnova, A. Koutroulis, L. Marchi, C. Oprea, E. Preciso, D. Sempere-Torres, G. Stancalie, J. Szolgay, I. Tsanis, D. Velasco and A. "Viglione, A compilation of data on European flash floods", Journal of Hydrology, vol. 367, no. 1-2, pp. 70-78. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2008.12.0282015-11-09
9426 P. Koutsakis, "On increasing energy conservation for wireless sensor networks", in 2006 Intern. l Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Comm. (ICWMC ) ,pp.4-4.doi: 10.1109/ICWMC.2006.672015-11-09
9427 S. Papantoniou , D. Kolokotsa ,K. Kalaitzakis , D. N. Cesarini , E. Cubi, C. Cristalli ,"A development of a lighting controller using smart sensors", presented atProc. Joint Conf. 34th AIVC – 3rd TightVent – 2nd Cool Roofs – 1st VentiCool, Athens, Greece, 2013.2015-11-09
9428 K. Gobakis ,D. Kolokotsa ,K. Kalaitzakis , S. Lionakis, V.Perdikatsis , M. Santamouris ,"Development and analysis of inorganic coating for energy saving for buildings",presented atProc. Joint Conf. 34th AIVC – 3rd TightVent – 2nd Cool Roofs – 1st VentiCool, Athens, Greece, 2013.2015-11-09
9429 P. Koutsakis , A. Lazaris, "A new MAC protocol based on multimedia traffic prediction in satellite systems", in 2006 6th Intern.Conf. on Next Generation Teletraffic and Wired/Wireless Adv. Networking (NEW2AN), pp. 58-69.doi:10.1007/11759355_82015-11-09
9430 I.K. Tsanis and A.G. Koutroulis, "A simple method of estimating flash flood peak discharge in a poorly gauged basin", in EGU General Assembly, April 20-21, 2009.2015-11-09
9431 D. Ellinas, A. J. Bracken and I. Smyrnakis, "Discrete randomness in discrete time quantum walk: study via stochastic averaging," Rep. Math. Phys., vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 221-227, Oct. 2012. doi:10.1016/S0034-4877(12)60041-X2015-11-09
9432 A. Vasilomichelaki ,D. Kolokotsa , K. Kalaitzakis ,"Development of an Innovative Energy Management System for University Campuses", presented at Proc. Joint Conf. 34th AIVC – 3rd TightVent – 2nd Cool Roofs – 1st VentiCool, Athens, Greece, 2013.2015-11-09
9433 N.V. Paranychianakis, G. Giannakis, N.P. Nikolaidis, N. Kalogerakis," Effectsof Municipal Solid Waste Compost Amendments on Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in aClayey Soil," presented at Goldschmidt2011, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011.2015-11-09
9434 A.G. Koutroulis and I. K. Tsanis, "Seasonality analysis of hydrological characteristics and flash flood events in Greece", in EGU General Assembly, April 20-21, 2009.2015-11-09
9435 P. Foutrakis , S. Papantoniou , K. Kalaitzakis , D. Kolokotsa ,"Development of a Smart Sensor for Controlling Artificial Lights and Venetian Blinds", presented at Proc. Joint Conf. 34th AIVC – 3rd TightVent – 2nd Cool Roofs – 1st VentiCool, Athens, Greece, 2013.2015-11-09
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