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Technical University of Crete

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 9121-9135 out of 18746 results
9121 D. Manoussaki, S.R. Lubkin, R.B. Vernon, and J.D. Murray, “Mathematical modelling of in vitro network formation in endothelial cell cultures," in Symposium for Mechanical Models in Biology, 1995.2015-11-11
9122 G.A. Papadakis, K. Kokkinos and P. Machaira, "Safety Management SystemPerformance Based on Organizational Factors of “Seveso” sites", στο 15ο Συνέδριο -Ευρωπαϊκή Εταιρία Ανάλυσης Επικινδυνότητας SRA-E, 11-13 Σεπτεµβρίου 2006.2015-11-11
9123 R.S. Chadwick and D. Manoussaki, “Distortions of pure tones by outer hair cell saturation," in NIH Research Festival, 1997.2015-11-11
9124 G.A. Papadakis, A.A. Chalkidou and M.D. Stampouli, "Towards an Exposure –Damage Approach in the Quantification of Occupational Risk in Workplaces with Dangerous Substances", in European Safety and Reliability Association - ESRA, 18-22 September 2006.2015-11-11
9125 G.A. Papadakis, P. Machaira and K. Kokkinos, "On the evaluation of SafetyManagement System through organizational factors: the case of accidental fuel release on airports apron, in European Safety and Reliability Association - ESRA, 18-22 Semptember 2006.2015-11-11
9126 P.P. Machaira, G.A. Papadakis and K.G. Kokkinos, "Modelling of organizational and management changes in work environment through a prototype Safety Management System", in Proceedings of WOS 2008, 4th International Conference on Prevention of Occupational Accident in a Changing Work Environment, 30 September - 3 October 2008.2015-11-11
9127 D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick, “The significance of coiling for cochlear mechanics," in Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, 1998.2015-11-11
9128 P. Karageorogos, M. latos, M. Lazaridis, N. Kalogerakis ," Alternative approaches to treat secondary sources of unpleasant odors in municipal waste water treatment plants," Water Sc. and Tech. ,vol. 61,pp. 2635-2644,2010. 2015-11-11
9129 E.N. Vangeloglou and G.A. Papadakis, "Consequence zoning sensitivity foremployees of a major accident hazard site: the case of refinery control room", in Proceedings of WOS 2008, 4th International Conference on Prevention of Occupational Accident in a Changing Work Environment, 30 September - 3 October 2008.2015-11-11
9130 G.A. Papadakis, P.P. Machaira and A.A. Chalkidou, "An Integrated web platform with innovative tools and services for training SMEs on Occupational Safety and Health", in Proceedings of WOS 2008, 4th International Conference on Prevention of Occupational Accident in a Changing Work Environment, 30 September - 3 October 2008.2015-11-11
9131 D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick, “The significance of coiling for cochlear mechanics," in NIH ResearchFestival, 1998.2015-11-11
9132 E.Chalvatzaki ,M.Lazaridis," Assessment of air pollutant emissions from the Akrotiri landfill site (Chania, Greece)," Waste Manag. and Res.,vol. 28, no. 9,pp. 778-788,2009.doi: 10.1177/0734242X093530602015-11-11
9133 P. Bouzakis, G. Papadakis and A. Chalkidou, "Quality Function DeploymentMethodology in Occupational Health and Safety Training", in ESREL Annual Conference, 5-9 Sept. 2010.2015-11-11
9134 D. Manoussaki and R.S. Chadwick, “Some effects of geometry on the fluid mechanics of the cochlea," in Assoc. for Research in Otolaryngology, Midwinter Meeting, 1999.2015-11-11
9135 S. Loupasis and G.A. Papadakis, "An approach to the qualitative evaluation of safety management systems in major hazards sites", in Communicating Safety, SRDA-Safety, Reliability and Data Association, Warrington, UK: SRDA-R16, 1997, pp.159-169.2015-11-11
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