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Technical University of Crete
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Technical University of Crete

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 7741-7755 out of 18746 results
7741 Y. Breitbart, M. Garofalakis, A. Gupta, A. Kumar and R. Rastogi, "On configuring BGP route reflectors", in 2nd Internationa Conference on Communication Systems Software and Middleware, 2007. doi: 10.1109/COMSWA.2007.3824442015-11-30
7742 M. Garofalakis, J. M. Hellerstein and P. Maniatis, "Proof sketches: verifiable in-network aggregation", in IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering, 2007, pp. 996-1005. doi: 10.1109/ICDE.2007.3689582015-11-30
7743 R. Huebsch, M. Garofalakis, J. M. Hellerstein and I. Stoica, "Sharing aggregate computation for distributed queries", in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2007. doi: 10.1145/1247480.12475352015-11-30
7744 M. Garofalakis, Yahoo! Research Community Systems Group, "Community Systems Research at Yahoo!", ACM SIGMOD Record, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 47-54, Sept. 2007. doi: 10.1145/1324185.13241952015-11-30
7745 A. Deligiannakis, M. Garofalakis and N. Roussopoulos, "Extended wavelets for multiple measures," ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) , vol. 32, no. 2, June 2007. doi: 10.1145/1242524.12425272015-11-30
7746 A. Machanavajjhala, E. Vee, M. Garofalakis and J. Shanmugasundaram, "Scalable ranked publish/subscribe", in the 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2008, pp. 451-462.2015-11-30
7747 D.Z. Wang, E. Michelakis, M. Garofalakis and J.M. Hellerstein, "BAYESSTORE: managing large, uncertain data repositories with probabilistic graphical models", in 34th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2008.2015-11-30
7748 Konstantinos Loizou, "Low cost sensors for water level monitoring in large scale storage tanks", Master Thesis, School of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20152015-11-30
7749 G. Cormode, A. Deligiannakis, M. Garofalakis and A. McGregor, "Probabilistic histograms for probabilistic data," in 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2009.2015-11-30
7750 B.T. Loo, T. Condie, M. Garofalakis, D.E. Gay, J. M. Hellerstein, P. Maniatis, R. Ramakrishnan, T. Roscoe and I. Stoica, "Declarative networking", Communications of the ACM, vol. 52. no. 11, Nov. 2009, pp. 87-95. doi: 10.1145/1592761.15927852015-11-30
7751 D. Z. Wang, E. Michelakis, M. J. Franklin, M. Garofalakis and J. M. Hellerstein, "Probabilistic declarative information extraction", in 26th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, 2010.2015-11-30
7752 D. Z. Wang, M. J. Franklin, M. Garofalakis and J. M. Hellerstein, "Querying probabilistic information extraction", in 36th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2010.2015-11-30
7753 V. Rastogi, N. Dalvi and M. Garofalakis, "Large-scale collective entity matching", in 35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2009.2015-11-30
7754 D. Z. Wang, M. J. Franklin, M. Garofalakis, J. M. Hellerstein and M. L. Wick, "Hybrid in-database inference for declarative information extraction", in ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2011, pp. 517-528. doi: 10.1145/1989323.19893782015-11-30
7755 O. Papapetrou, M. Garofalakis and A. Deligiannakis, "Sketch-based querying of distributed sliding-window data streams", in 2012 VLDB Endowment, vol. 5, no. 10, pp. 992-1003. doi: 10.14778/2336664.23366722015-11-30
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