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Technical University of Crete
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Technical University of Crete

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 5371-5385 out of 18746 results
5371 C. Konstantopoulos, E. Koutroulis, N. Mitianoudis and A. Bletsas, "Converting a plant to a battery and wireless sensor with scatter radio and ultra-low cost," IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 388-398, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1109/TIM.2015.24957182018-10-25
5372 Sofia Sarchani, "Parameter sensitivity analysis of hydrological flood event simulation & hydraulic wave simulation in a small hydrological basin", Master Thesis, School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20182018-10-25
5373 Χρήστος Μποτωνάκης, "Μέθοδοι και τεχνικές σύνθεσης προτιμήσεων διάταξης: επισκόπηση και εφαρμογές", Μεταπτυχιακή Διατριβή, Σχολή Μηχανικών Παραγωγής και Διοίκησης, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 20182018-10-24
5374 Charalampos Poulis, "Comparison of density calculation methods applied to real reservoir fluids", Master Thesis, School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20182018-10-23
5375 Αναστασία Κασούτσα, "Eπεξεργασία συνθετικών δεδομένων σεισμικής ανάκλασης για τη θαλάσσια περιοχή δυτικά των Παξών", Διπλωματική Εργασία, Σχολή Μηχανικών Ορυκτών Πόρων, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 20182018-10-23
5376 Θεόδωρος Πήττας, "Παρουσία και τύχη βακτηρίων ανθεκτικών στα αντιβιοτικά στις μονάδες επεξεργασίας υγρών αποβλήτων", Μεταπτυχιακή Διατριβή, Σχολή Μηχανικών Περιβάλλοντος, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης, Χανιά, Ελλάς, 20182018-10-22
5377 Leonidas Bolaris, "High-resolution numerical approximations to secondorder macroscopic traffic flow models", Master Thesis, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20182018-10-22
5378 T. D. Tsoutsos, S. Tournaki, O. Paraíba and S. D. Kaminaris, "The used cooking oil-to-biodiesel chain in Europe assessment of best practices and environmental performance," Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev., vol. 54, pp. 74-83, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2015.09.0392018-10-22
5379 N. Pasadakis, V. Dagounaki and E. Chamilaki, "A comparative organic geochemical study of oils seeps in Western Greece," Energ. Source Part A, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 362-369, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1080/15567036.2013.7666602018-10-22
5380 M. Antonakakis, M. Zervakis, C. E. M. van Beijsterveldt, D. I. Boomsma, E. J. C. De Geus, S. Micheloyannis and D. J. A. Smit, "Genetic effects on source level evoked and induced oscillatory brain responses in a visual oddball task," Biol. Psychol., vol. 114, pp. 69-80, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.12.0062018-10-22
5381 D. Ellinas and C. Konstandakis, "Parametric quantum search algorithm as quantum walk: a quantum simulation," Rep. Math. Phys., vol. 77, no. 1, pp. 105-128, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1016/S0034-4877(16)30008-82018-10-22
5382 N. Kallithrakas-Kontos, S. Foteinis, K. Paigniotaki and M. Papadogiannakis, "A robust X-ray fluorescence technique for multielemental analysis of solid samples," Environ. Monit. Assess., vol. 188, no. 2, pp. 1-10, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1007/s10661-016-5127-42018-10-22
5383 Y. A. Katsigiannis, F. D. Kanellos and S. Papaefthimiou, "A software tool for capacity optimization of hybrid power systems including renewable energy technologies based on a hybrid genetic algorithm—tabu search optimization methodology," Energ. Syst., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 33-48, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1007/s12667-014-0138-02018-10-22
5384 G. Atsalakis, D. Frantzis and C. Zopounidis, "Commodities’ price trend forecasting by a neuro-fuzzy controller," Energy Syst., vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 73-102, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.1007/s12667-015-0154-82018-10-22
5385 I. S. Panagea, I. N. Daliakopoulos, I. K. Tsanis and G. Schwilch, "Evaluation of promising technologies for soil salinity amelioration in Timpaki (Crete): a participatory approach," Solid Earth, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 177-190, Feb. 2016. doi: 10.5194/se-7-177-20162018-10-22
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