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Technical University of Crete
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Technical University of Crete

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 1936-1950 out of 18746 results
1936 P. Manolitzas, N. Glaveli, S. Palamas, M. Talias, and E. Grigoroudis, “Hotel guests’ demanding level and importance of attribute satisfaction ratings: an application of MUltiplecriteria Satisfaction Analysis on TripAdvisor’s hotel guests ratings,” Curr. Issues Tour., vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 1203–1208, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1915253.2022-12-02
1937 Panagiotis-Charalampos Skoulaxinos, "Path planning and obstacle avoidance using deep reinforcement learning", Diploma Work, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20222022-12-02
1938 V. Gaganis, D. Marinakis, and A. Samnioti, “A soft computing method for rapid phase behavior calculations in fluid flow simulations,” J. Petrol. Sci. Eng., vol. 205, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108796.2022-12-01
1939 N. Pourmousa, S. M. Ebrahimi, M. Malekzadeh, and F. Gordillo, “Using a novel optimization algorithm for parameter extraction of photovoltaic cells and modules,” Eur. Phys. J. Plus, vol. 136, no. 4, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01462-4.2022-12-01
1940 B. Tan, M.-A. Lemonde, S. Thanasilp, J. Tangpanitanon, and D. G. Angelakis, “Qubit-efficient encoding schemes for binary optimisation problems,” Quantum, vol. 5, May 2021, doi: 10.22331/q-2021-05-04-454.2022-12-01
1941 M. Šereš, P. Innemanová, T. Hnátková, M. Rozkošný, A. Stefanakis, J. Semerád, and T. Cajthaml, “Evaluation of hybrid constructed wetland performance and reuse of treated wastewater in agricultural irrigation,” Water, vol. 13, no. 9, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.3390/w13091165.2022-12-01
1942 Stavros Orfanoudakis, "A novel smart grid flexibility aggregation framework", Master Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20222022-11-30
1943 Errikos Streviniotis, "Machine learning and social choice theory for personalized and group recommendations", Master Thesis, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20222022-11-30
1944 Ioanna-Sofia Lelentzi, "Tool creation for hiring highly work engaged employees", Diploma Work, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20222022-11-30
1945 K. Kalaboukas, J. Rožanec, A. Košmerlj, D. Kiritsis, and G. Arampatzis, “Implementation of cognitive digital twins in connected and agile supply networks—an operational model,” Appl. Sci., vol. 11, no. 9, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.3390/app11094103.2022-11-30
1946 A. S. Stefanarou and C. V. Chrysikopoulos, “Interaction of titanium dioxide with formaldehyde in the presence of quartz sand under static and dynamic conditions,” Water, vol. 13, no. 10, May 2021, doi: 10.3390/w13101420.2022-11-30
1947 M. G. Grillakis, A. G. Koutroulis, D. D. Alexakis, C. Polykretis, and I. N. Daliakopoulos, “Regionalizing root-zone soil moisture estimates from ESA CCI Soil Water Index using machine learning and information on soil, vegetation, and climate,” Water Resour. Res., vol. 57, no. 5, May 2021, doi: 10.1029/2020WR029249.2022-11-29
1948 E. G. Carayannis, D. F. J. Campbell, and E. Grigoroudis, “Democracy and the environment: how political freedom is linked with environmental sustainability,” Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 10, May 2021, doi: 10.3390/su13105522.2022-11-29
1949 N. Solomou, M. Minella, D. Vione, and E. Psillakis, “UVC-induced degradation of cilastatin in natural water and treated wastewater,” Chemosphere, vol. 280, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.130668.2022-11-29
1950 A. A. Malandrakis, N. Kavroulakis, M. Avramidou, K. K. Papadopoulou, G. Tsaniklidis, and C. V. Chrysikopoulos, “Metal nanoparticles: phytotoxicity on tomato and effect on symbiosis with the Fusarium solani FsK strain,” Sci. Total Environ., vol. 787, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147606.2022-11-29
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