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 11701-11715 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
11701 I. Vardoulakis and G.E. Exadaktylos, "The asymptotic solution of anisotropic gradient elasticity with surface energy for a mode-II crack," in IUTAM Symposium on Non- Linear Singularities in Deformation and Flow, 1997, pp. 87-98. doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-4736-1_92015-10-22
11702 Hellerich L.A., and N.P. Nikolaidis, "Sorption Studies of Mixed Chromium and Chlorinated Ethenes at the Field and Laboratory Scales" Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 77–88, Apr. 2005. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.11.0102015-10-22
11703 C. Drosou, A. Coz, N. P. Xekoukoulotakis, A. Moya, Y. Vergara and D. Mantzavinos, "Peracetic acid-enhanced photocatalytic and sonophotocatalytic inactivation of E. coli in aqueous suspensions," J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., vol. 85, no.8, pp. 1049-1053, Aug. 2010. doi: 10.1002/jctb.23962015-10-22
11704 N.P. Xekoukoulotakis, D. Mantzavinos, R. Dillert, D. Bahnemann, "Synthesis andphotocatalytic activity of boron-doped TiO2 in aqueous suspensions under UV-A irradiation", Water Science and Technology, Vol. 61, pp. 2501-2506, 2010. doi:10.2166/wst.2010.150.2015-10-22
11705 A. Achilleos, E. Hapeshi, N.P. Xekoukoulotakis, D. Mantzavinos, D. Kassinos, "Factors affecting diclofenac decomposition in water by UV-A/TiO2 photocatalysis", Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 161, no. 1-2, pp. 53-59, Jul. 2010. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2010.04.020.2015-10-22
11706 G. Exadaktylos, "Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments," presented at First Annual Workshop on Environmentally Friendly Construction Technologies, Toulouse, France 1997.2015-10-22
11707 I. Vardoulakis, G. Exadaktylos, S. Κourkoulis and C. Papadopoulos, "Characterization of mechanical properties and damage of natural building stones in historical monuments," presented at 4th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin, Rhodes, Greece, 1997.2015-10-22
11708 J. A. Sanchidrian, P. Garcia-Bermudez, C. Tsoutrelis, G. E. Exadaktylos, R. Cojean, J. A. Fleurisson, J. Tsimidakis, C. Rogakis, "Improvement of productivity in quarrying dimension stone using new drilling and blasting techniques," presented at Montpellier Conference, France, 1996.2015-10-22
11709 G. Exadaktylos and I. Vardoulakis, "Displacement potentials formulation of anisotropic gradient elasticity theory with surface energy," presented at 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Chania, Crete, 1996.2015-10-22
11710 C. Tsoutrelis, G. Exadaktylos, R.M. Livadaros and N. G. Gikas, "Plexiglas fracturing under decoupled conditions using detonating cord," presented at EXPLO 96-Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom, 1996.2015-10-22
11711 G. Exadaktylos and C. E Tsoutrelis, "Mine pillar design in brittle rock masses," presented at IV CSMR/Integral Approach to Applied Rock Mechanics, Santiago, Chile, 1994.2015-10-22
11712 P. Grafias, N. P. Xekoukoulotakis, D. Mantzavinos and E. Diamadopoulos," Pilot treatment of olive pomace leachate by vertical-flow constructed wetland and electrochemical oxidation: An efficient hybrid process," Water Res., vol. 44, no. 9, pp. 2773-2780, May 2010. .doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2010.02.015.2015-10-22
11713 G. Exadaktylos, Z. Agioutantis and E. Lambrou, "Effect of the fracture process zone in directed crack propagation in borehole blasting," in SPE/ISRM International Conference on Rock Mechanics in Petroleum Engineering, 1994, pp. 463-470.doi:10.2118/28085-MS.2015-10-22
11714 G. Εxadaktylos and C. Tsoutrelis, "Scale effect on rock mass strength and stability," presented at 2nd International Workshop on Scale Effects in Rock Masses, Lisbon, Portugal, 1993.2015-10-22
11715 C. E. Tsoutrelis, G. E. Exadaktylos and A. P. Kapenis, "Rock mass characterization of the Molai mine," presented at Conference of Primary Raw Materials, Sandiago de Compostella, Spain, 1990.2015-10-22
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