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Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης

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 9661-9675 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
9661 A. Sergaki , K. Kalaitzakis , "A fuzzy dynamic programming algorithm for the optimal operation of a power system interconnected with WECS", in Proc. of 31st Universities Power Eng. Conf. (UPEC), 1996, pp. 54-57.2015-11-08
9662 A. P. Liavas , G. N. Karystinos, “Outage capacity of a cooperative scheme with binary input and a simple relay, in 2008 Interna.Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc. ( ICASSP) ,pp.3221-3224.doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2008.45183362015-11-08
9663 S. Adamopoulos, C. Passialis, E. Voulgaridis, S. Moustaizis, N. Kortsalioudakis, P. Petrakis, S. Karastergiou, D. Foti, D. Koutsianitis and E. Voulgaridou, "Effect of laser drilling on mechanical properties of fir (Abies borisii regis) and spruce (Picea excelsa) wood", in The 5th RCCWS International Symposium, 2014.2015-11-08
9664 S. Theodoridis and A. P. Liavas, “Highly concurrent algorithm for the solution of ρ-Toeplitz system of equations,” Signal Proc. vol. 24,no.2, pp. 165–176,Aug. 1991.doi: 10.1016/0165-1684(91)90129-72015-11-08
9665 N. Kortsalioudakis, P. Petrakis, S. Moustaizis, E. Voulgaridis, S. Adamopoulos, S. Karastergiou and C. Passialis, "An application of laser drilling technique to fir and spruce wood specimens to improve their permeability", in The 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference, “Innovations in Forest Industry and Engineering Design, 2014.2015-11-08
9666 A.C. Malamos , K. Kalaitzakis , N.C. Voulgaris ,"A μcontroller-based system for monitoring and controlling the operation of an uninterruptible power supply", in Proc. of IEEE Intern., Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE '95), July, pp. 610-615.2015-11-08
9667 E. Voulgaridis, S. Adamopoulos, S. Karastergiou, C. Passialis, D. Koutsianitis, N. Kortsalioudakis, P. Petrakis and S. Moustaizis, "Effects of laser drilling on mechanical properties and impregnability of fir and spruce wood", in The 7th International Scientific and Technical Conference, “Innovations in Forest Industry and Engineering Design, 2014.2015-11-08
9668 G.S. Stavrakakis , K.C. Kalaitzakis , "A study for the reliable penetration of a 4.5MW wind farm into the local power grid of Sitia-Crete", in Proc. of the 2nd European Symposium on Soft Energy Sources and Systems at the Local Level, 1989.2015-11-08
9669 A. P. Liavas and S. Theodoridis, “Efficient Levinson and Schur-type algorithms for block near-to-Toeplitz systems of equations,” Signal Proc., vol. 35,no. 3, pp. 241–255, Feb. 1994.doi: 10.1016/0165-1684(94)90214-32015-11-08
9670 V. Diakoloukas, V. V. Digalakis, L. Neumeyer and J. Kaja, "Development of dialect-specific speech recognizers using adaptation methods", in 1997 IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoust., Speech, and Sign. Process. (ICASSP), pp. 1455-1458. doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.1997.5962232015-11-08
9671 A. P. Liavas, G.V. Moustakides, G. Henning, E. Psarakis , P. Husar, “A Periodogrambased method for the detection of Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials,” IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engin., vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 242–248, 1998. 2015-11-08
9672 A. P. Liavas , P. A. Regalia, “Acoustic echo cancellation: Do IIR models offer bettermodelling capabilities than their FIR counterparts?,” IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 46, no.9, pp. 2499–2504, Sept.1998.doi: 10.1109/78.7095372015-11-08
9673 V. Diakoloukas and V. V. Digalakis, "Adaptation of hidden Markov models using multiple stochastic transformations," presented at Fifth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, 1997.2015-11-08
9674 A. P. Liavas ,P. A. Regalia, “On the numerical stability and accuracy of the conventional RLS algorithm,” IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 88–96, Jan.1999.doi:10.1109/78.7382422015-11-08
9675 A. P. Liavas, P. A. Regalia ,J-P. Delmas,“Robustness of the least squares and subspace methods for blind channel identification/equalization with respect to effective channel undermodeling/overmodeling,”IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 47, no. 6, pp. 1636–1645, Ju. 1999.doi : 10.1109/78.7651342015-11-08
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